One pitfall of Planning Poker resides in making “convergence to consensus estimate” an obligation rather than a natural result of the conversation that follows a round of play. Doing so runs the risk of erasing useful information, i.e. The degree of uncertainty conveyed by a wide spread in the initial estimates. View Notes - Planningpoker.pdf from CS 521 at Northwestern University. 1/24/2015 Planning poker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Planning poker From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Planning. Poker is any of a number of card games in which players wager over which hand is best according to that specific game's rules in ways similar to these rankings.Often using a standard deck, poker games vary in deck configuration, the number of cards in play, the number dealt face up or face down, and the number shared by all players, but all have rules which involve one or more rounds of betting.
Agile development teams complete work in sprints, typically 2-3 week periods during which a team works exclusively on an itemized to-do list known as a sprint backlog.
During sprint planning, teams work together to estimate the level of effort required for development of each upcoming backlog item (also called user stories) through a process called effort pointing. Our tool, Planning Poker®, is a fun, refreshing way to run through a list of user stories and assign effort points to them as a team.
Over time, the team establishes a sprint velocity, or total number of effort points they can feasibly complete in one sprint, which helps determine how many stories a team can pull in during sprint planning.
Be sure to check out Mountain Goat’s upcoming Training and Events, Books and Articles on Scrum, agile estimating & planning and working with user stories.